

Frequently Ask Questions.

CHOOSE FROM 5,000 ONLINE VIDEO COURSES WITH NEW ADDITIONS prioritizes experiential learning, engaging students in problem-solving with industry-endorsed problem statements, collaborating with mentors from industry, training partners, student success coordinators and recruiters to enhance placements opportunities. introduces a new approach to skill acquisition using experiential learning supported by Industry participants. With this level of skill, it is our aim to bring placement and internship opportunities from a wider section of industry participants and recruiters with more attractive compensation levels than what could be available to you otherwise.

Yes. You can pick your battle from a diverse range of problem statements which span across various tech domains and complexity levels. There is something there for everyone right from beginner to experts. We encourage you to start your skilling journey early (right from 2nd year) and develop breadth across domains or depth in one or more domains by graduation..

Yes. We arrange one or more orientation sessions for each cohort we onboard on the platform. For those who could not prioritize attending them online, we also share a recording of such sessions. As much as we do that, we encourage you to attend sessions online and benefit from Industry mentor interactions.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with Talentfarm, please reach out to us at We would like to understand your concerns and address them objectively. As you are a student, we only charge a small “Seriousness” fee per semester to secure your commitment to the program. It is not refundable. prioritizes experiential learning, engaging students in problem-solving with industry-endorsed problem statements, collaborating with industry mentors, training partners, student success coordinators and recruiters to enhance placements opportunities.

To register on, go to the website, open the registration link and enter the referral code provided by your institution to create an account. We would need your email address and phone number as a part of this registration process.

During enrollment on, you typically need to provide your details such as email address and password and referral code.

To register on the website, go to the registration page, enter your email and password and follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

In the process of creating an account, a referral code is commonly used to trace the institution or source that directed you to the platform.

Upon completing the registration process, a referral code will be provided to you via email.

Upon entering the portal, students can either click on "Browse the Problem Statement" or navigate to your profile and choose the option labeled "All Problem Statements." From there, they can select the specific problem statement of interest and proceed to enroll.

Either click on "Browse the Problem Statement" or navigate to their profile and choose the option labeled "All Problem Statements” to view.

Problem statements are usually sources from our Industry Partners. They are usually large corporations or technology companies or Startups. They provide problem statements based on what they experience in their world on a daily basis. Such problem statements are usually associated with incentives that could be Internship or placement opportunity or even cash. We would also encourage you to come with your own problem statements based on skills you acquire from our “Design Thinking” courses. Industry mentors can work with you to validate such problem statements and even help secure endorsement from our Industry partners. For qualifying problem statements, we guarantee a special incentive from Talentfarm.

Certainly, you have the flexibility to select any problem statement from the provided list. We encourage you to attend Foundation workshops/sessions offered on the platform to gain a good understanding about any tech space, its potential and possible use cases. This will help you pick problem statements which will resonate with your sense of purpose.

The problem-solving process involves several stages: Foundation: Foundation sessions will help gain a good understanding about various technology domains. With this, you can browse problem statements available on the platform that you would like to pick up for solving. Even better, you can come up with your own problem statements. Ideation: Generate creative ideas and potential solutions for the given problem statements. Have them validated with Industry mentors before embarking on build. Enablement: Acquire the necessary resources and skills to build on the idea with tech solutions. Host of courses (self learning and instructor lead) are available for free or on payment basis. Build Problem Statement: Put skills acquired to use in order to realize the documented solution. Take the help of industry experts to understand common pitfalls and best practices in building solutions that can scale. This key phase will help you require the essential commercial development like experience which could be valuable to employers who will be looking to recruit you. Demonstrate the Problem Statement: Showcase the solution, demonstrating how it effectively addresses the identified problem. This is an opportunity to improve your skills to package and present what developed and demonstrate its validity, quality and scalability.

Solved problem statements are uploaded systematically in stages(Introduction, Ideation, Enablement, Build, Demonstrate) with each stage having designated start and end dates for submission. Participants are required to attach the relevant file within the specified timeframe for each stage.

‘Difficulty level’ refers to how challenging the problem statement is, typically categorized into easy, medium and hard level based on the complexity of the logic required to solve.

Yes, providing information about your interests and hobbies is mandatory. This information is essential as it helps in tailoring the selection of the problem statement based on your preferences. Knowing your interests allows for more personalized and relevant problem statements that align with your skills and passions, enhancing your engagement in addressing the challenges presented. This will also help Student Success Coordinators and Mentors in knowing you better for a more engaging and productive interaction.

Indeed, you have the option to wishlist both problem statements (challenges) and courses. This feature makes it easier for you to track and potentially engage with them in the future.

Navigate to your profile and select "My Challenge Wishlist" to view the challenges you have added to your wishlist.

Yes. You will have to work with the Student Success Coordinator to do the same. We don’t usually encourage such changes after the idea submission stage as it could be difficult to switch another problem statement and yet complete the final demo submission within specified timelines for your cohort.

We believe that focus and quality engagement is needed to solve problem statements and actually realize all the learning objectives that we associated with them. In line with this philosophy, participants are expected to focus on and address one problem statement at a time.

Typically about a Semester (4 - 5 months). In order to keep it engaging and time bound, each batch of students (cohorts) that register on the platform will have set timelines for their Ideation, Enablement, Build and Demo stages with each stage having its submission which will be approved by an Industry Mentor enabled by a quality interaction.

Student Success Coordinators will be able to do the initial review on the submissions to ensure their completeness and quality. This can improve the quality of interaction and review done with Industry mentors.

Though Talentfarm and the community of stakeholders do their best to provide quick feedback on deliverables, sometimes it can be challenged by a high volume of submissions, mentor availability or other practical situations. It is our desire to work with a target turn around time of 3-5 days for reviewing submissions.

Submissions done by students during various phases of their journey in solving a problem statement such as Idea Deck, Build or Demo are reviewed by Student Success Coordinators and Tech Support team who will ensure the consistency, quality and completeness of the submissions. Once they have cleared it, Industry mentors review these submissions and provide feedback. Feedback for improving the deliverables at both levels are sent to Students for improving them before re-submission. One of the main objectives of such reviews is to ensure that students pick up important industry practices as a part of this journey and develop the skill needed to package and demonstrate their deliverables in a comprehensive and consistent fashion.

The role of a buddy (Student Success Coordinator), as the name suggests, is to ensure that students succeed in achieving their goals on the platform. This would involve Buddy in ensuring that Students are prompted in a timely fashion to keep up with timelines, get the support they need in order to choose and solve problem statements on the platform. They play a supportive role in guiding and mentoring students throughout their learning journey. AI Buddy can also support students with answering queries, making recommendations for problem statements, mentors and courses.

Certainly, buddies are available to assist in building up the student's skills and profile. They play a supportive role in enhancing the student's capabilities and overall profile through guidance and feedback.

Certainly, you have the opportunity to interact with mentors and buddies as part of the learning experience.

The student success coordinator gives performance feedback and facilitates communication between mentors, training partners, and students, particularly regarding problem statement solutions.They act as a valuable intermediary to ensure effective support throughout the learning process.

The availability of a student success coordinator may vary, but unlike an AI buddy. Human support often follows set working hours and may not be available 24/7.

Mentors are industry professionals with several years of experience in specific or host of technologies or industry domains.

We encourage students to enroll in teams. Hence, Talentfarm fosters teamwork and collaboration.

Yes, they do only if they are added to any of the teams.

All the problem statements solved, skills acquired, feedback from Industry experts and their ratings are updated on the profile of the student.

Not more than their organization affiliation, we attach a lot of importance to the relevance of their expertise to the problem statement that they are associated with both in terms of Industry domain and Technology.

Yes, you can view a mentor's profile. After selecting the problem statement or course, locate the 'mentors' tab, and click on it to access the mentor's profile.

By connecting with the student success coordinator, they will help you in scheduling the interaction with mentors.

As Mentors availability is constrained and their engagement to various teams have to be optimized for best outcome, we usually encourage students to engage with specific mentors assigned to their problem statements. If there are reasons for which they would like to work with another mentor, they should discuss the same with Buddy.

Assignments are an internal part of any learning. Talentfarm will use assignments for students to evaluate their own learning or skill level. Assignments are relevant in the context of problem statement related submissions and enablement courses as well.

Yes. Quizzes are part of Enablement courses as a quick self assessment tool. Assignments are part of problem statements and enablement courses as well.

Indeed, we organize live sessions with mentors and training partners, with the coordination of these live sessions being undertaken by the student success coordinator.

Students from the same college can form teams and add them to their problem statement as team members. Ideally, one of them will enroll to the problem statement and navigate to the “Team” tab to add the rest of the team members.

Student success coordinator(Buddy).

Students will receive notifications within the ‘Live Interaction’ section.

Incentives, in the form of monetary rewards such as cash reward, internship opportunities and placement rewards are offered as incentives to students for solving the problem statements. If there are multiple teams solving the problem statements, there will be a jury of mentors appointed to identify the winner.

In, students' data is accessible to the relevant organization that the student deals with, ensuring confidentiality and strict non-disclosure to any third parties.

Ensuring confidentiality and strict non-disclosure to any third party. The organization that deals with the students can only have access to viewing the details of the students.

Students can utilize the provided form to report issues/provide feedback on mentors in a structured manner.

Such feedback can be provided through Student Success Coordinators. Students can also write to

For courses live sessions are scheduled at fixed times excluding college hours allowing flexibility, while the remaining work can be completed at your own pace. Whereas problem solving is quite offline for the most part. But, it is imperative Students should work towards staying in line with the overall timeline published for their batch from Registration to Finish solving a problem statement. provides job placement opportunities for participants as incentives on problem statements. In addition to this, Students get access to a job portal where they can apply to various job postings for freshers and interns. places a primary emphasis on providing students with industrial experiences, involving them in solving problem statements under the guidance of industry mentors, training partners, AI buddy and student success coordinator. This approach aims to equip students with practical skill, enhancing their employability and preparing them for successful placement in organizations. facilitates placements with a diverse range of companies including those in service-based industries, product-based industries, IT industries and startup domains. is dedicated to promoting equal opportunities for every student. Additionally, we establish partnerships with organizations that actively pursue workplace diversity and women empowerment initiatives. This collaboration involves granting these organizations access to our platform, providing them with the opportunity to connect with students on our platform.

1st month: Registration and profile setup. 2nd month: Participation in the Foundation Workshop and selection of a problem statement. 3rd month: Submission and validation of ideas with mentors. 4th month: Collaboration with partners for enablement and working on the project build. 5th month: Completion of the project build and a thorough review with mentors. 6th month: Submission of the project demo, updating the profile, and preparing for job placement. Throughout this journey, the Student Success Coordinator, mentors, industry partners, enablement partners, and recruitment partners play pivotal roles in ensuring the students' success."

Learning content offered through include Self learning content, Recorded sessions/Workshops, Live classes/Workshops.

Yes. All courses available on can be previewed before enrolment. By clicking on the course from Course catalog, you will be able to see the objectives, curriculum, mentors and other relevant information about the courses. This is applicable for both free and paid content on the platform.

Using the “My Courses” link in the profile menu, you should be able to navigate to the course catalog. Alternatively, we have made it convenient for you by linking problem statements with courses that are relevant. Such courses will be listed in the “Recommended Courses” tab in the problem statement display screen.

Students have the option to enroll in multiple courses and it is entirely optional. But, we do encourage students to work SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) in their learning. Please choose courses and content that will assist you in solving problem statements that you are working with.

After registration, go to the profile and click on ‘My Courses’ select any of the courses related to the problem statement.

These payments can be made online using easy to use payment gateway integrations available on the platform.

Our course catalog is tailored to provide content to ideate and build in technology spaces that are involved with the problem statements we provide on the platform. AI/ML, Blockchain, IoT, Cyber Security and full stack ( web mobile development) are areas of focus today. These domains have been identified in conjunction with our industry partners.

Courses on our platform are curated to meet specific learning objectives that are needed to solve problem statements that offer you. Hence, they are carefully reviewed by the QA team for both relevance and quality.

Course fees vary depending on your selection and certain courses are available free of charge.

Yes, there are free courses on

Navigate to ‘My Courses’ from the Student profile to find the relevant courses. There are a variety of methods by which you can find courses that can be of interest to you. You can search courses from the course catalog using various search and filter criteria that are available. We would suggest to use “Recommended Courses” from Problem statements so that you can pick courses that will enable you to solve problems that you have enrolled in.

This could vary from course to course. In most cases, we will offer a completion certificate. Some of the paid courses may come with mandatory or an optional certification option which will be associated with an assessment of the skills acquired.

Free courses could mostly offer recorded content and reference material to cater to Self Learners. Paid courses will usually involve Premium content or live classes and can help in getting deeper understanding in a given area or even provide an engaging method by which you can be enabled.

For paid courses, it will be for a specific duration after completion of the course.

Due to copyright restrictions and IP protections, we will not allow downloading of online content for offline viewing. In future, we may support offline engagement using an App.

You can report issues/provide feedback on courses to the student success coordinator/feedback form.

Upon completing a course on you are awarded a certificate validating your achievements. Such certificates are added to your profile and will be updated in your skill profile as Verified skills. In future releases, we are planning to rollout blockchain based skill wallets where such certificates can be stored for better portability and credibility.

Yes, you can. That will help in showcasing your skills. certificates hold value because they are endorsed by experienced mentors from leading industries, providing students with valuable guidance and making the certifications worthwhile.

Certificates will be automatically added to your profile on completion of a course which will involve viewing all the relevant content and completion quizzes/assignments associated with the course.

Certificates always are good testimonials to one's competence with respect to a skill or technology or any knowledge domain. In case of Talentfarm, such certificates for paid courses will be issued only after a completing due assessment associated with the course which will have tested the skill level acquired by you. caters to diverse learning styles through its variety of courses. This will involve Self Learning, Instructor led learning and hybrid versions to cater students preferences and also what works for specific learning objectives.

Student success coordinators and our Tech support staff are the primary line of support for addressing your issues and concerns. They can be reached via Online Chat, Email and Phone.

Courses in evolve on a daily basis to cater to learning requirements associated with problem statements we offer on the platform. We also take inputs from our Board of Advisors, Enablement Partners, Colleges and our community of Mentors to revise our curriculum from time to time.

The course will encompass topics aligned with the problem statements including Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Fullstack and Web/Mobile Development.

Mentors can leverage various tools to effectively monitor the progress of individual learners or the entire team, utilizing a comprehensive platform dashboard. This dashboard provides a Teams view, allowing mentors to facilitate a holistic understanding of the learners' development, enabling mentors to make informed decisions and offer targeted support.

Problem Statements are sourced from Industry partners and curated for consumption on the platform by team. Of Course, we welcome suggestions for improving content associated with problem statements from Mentors.

As a mentor on, you play a crucial role in guiding and supporting students through their learning journey, focusing on enhancing their problem-solving skills and overall industry readiness. One impactful way to contribute to their development is by providing thoughtful content recommendations. To make content recommendations, consider tailoring your suggestions based on the specific needs and challenges of the students you are mentoring. Identify areas in their projects where additional learning resources could be beneficial, whether it's related to the technology stack, industry best practices, or specific soft skills. Utilize your industry insights to recommend relevant articles, tutorials, or case studies that align with their project goals. Additionally, suggest courses that can supplement their knowledge and skill set. By offering targeted content recommendations, you not only support their immediate project needs but also foster a continuous learning mindset, enriching their understanding of current industry trends and practices.

The primary purpose of mentoring on is to guide and support students through their learning journey. Mentors provide industry insights, practical knowledge, and personalized guidance to enhance the problem-solving skills of students, contributing to their overall skill development and industry readiness.

To become a mentor on, Click Here to apply for the mentor position. covers a wide range of industry segments with a primary focus on key technologies such as Blockchain, Metaverse, AI/ML, IoT, and Full Stack Development. We will continue to add technology stacks based on industry needs and trends in the technology world.

Mentors on have flexibility in their time commitment, allowing them to choose their level of engagement based on individual availability and preferences. Whether it's part-time or periodic involvement, the platform values and acknowledges the time and expertise mentors contribute to guiding students. Typically, mentors are expected to have sessions totaling 4-5 hours per month and the scheduling is flexible depending on mentor availability.

To maximize the efficiency of your time and foster teamwork skills, we encourage students to create teams and collaborate on problem statements. As a mentor, your interactions will be with the entire team, allowing you to guide multiple students simultaneously.

Mentors will have access to a comprehensive set of resources, including content related to the given problem statement, suggested solution approaches outlined by the team and feedback provided by other mentors to student teams. Additionally, Student Success Coordinators will serve as the primary point of contact for all mentor-related coordination.

The mentoring process on is a multifaceted journey that involves several key points of interaction: Idea Validation: Mentors assist in validating the viability and feasibility of project ideas proposed by students for Problem Statement. Build Architecture Review: Mentors provide guidance on the architectural aspects of the project, ensuring a solid foundation for development. Build Output Review: Mentors provide valuable feedback on the quality of development done by the students based on Industry and Technology Best Practices. Participation in Demo/Pitching Sessions: Mentors actively engage in demo and pitching sessions, offering valuable insights and constructive feedback. Providing Industry Insights: Drawing from their industry experience, mentors share insights into current trends, best practices, and real-world challenges. Technology Guidance: Mentors offer expertise and advice on the use of specific technologies, ensuring alignment with industry standards. Soft Skills Related Suggestions: In addition to technical guidance, mentors provide suggestions on soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and presentation skills.

The platform aims to match mentors with areas aligning with their expertise and industry background.

A mentor interacts with their assigned student through scheduled live sessions and chat-based interactions. Additionally, Student Success Coordinators can assist by providing the necessary links for communication.

Mentors have the opportunity to offer feedback on the platform. They can provide feedback to students after each interaction, assessing the quality of the conversation and addressing any technical or behavioral aspects. Furthermore, mentors can give quantitative feedback at various stages, including Idea validation, Build review, and Demo. This feedback can be provided at the individual student level or for a group of students.

If any issues arise during the mentoring relationship, the initial point of contact is the Student Success Coordinator. They will facilitate all interactions between mentors and students, and mentors can report any problems to them as the first level of resolution. Additionally, there are alternative channels available, including reaching out to the Talent Farm management through our grievance process.

Mentors have the ability to share industry-specific resources with their students on a team-by-team basis. Moreover, mentors can provide feedback to Talentfarm, suggesting additional content or resources that could be integrated into problem statements or self-learning materials. This feedback is valuable for enhancing the platform's ability to deliver increased value to students.

Currently, there is no online collaboration tool for mentors to interact with each other. However, Talentfarm has plans to organize periodic online and offline meetups for mentors within the community, providing opportunities for collaboration and networking.

In the event that mentors encounter challenges during the mentoring process, their first step is to reach out to the Student Success Coordinator. These coordinators facilitate interactions between mentors and students, serving as the initial point of contact for issue resolution. Moreover, mentors have alternative channels to address concerns, including direct communication with the Talent Farm management through the grievance process.

Absolutely, mentors are encouraged to provide career advice and guidance to their students. Their industry expertise positions them well to offer valuable insights on career paths, skill development, and professional growth.

Mentors can recommend resources or tools to students for skill development. This enables students to enhance their knowledge and skills, ultimately contributing to the improvement of their problem statements.

Mentors can inform the platform about their availability by updating their schedule. The system provides a feature where mentors can set their preferred time slots, allowing them to book and manage sessions accordingly. places a primary emphasis on providing students with industrial experiences, involving them in solving problem statements under the guidance of industry mentors, training partners, AI buddy and student success coordinator. This approach aims to equip students with practical skill, enhancing their employability and preparing them for successful placement in organizations. offers a unique approach to skill acquisition, providing opportunities to interact with experts for experiential learning with industry support from various industries such as Amazon, Google, Nasscom, India Blockchain forum and many more. This ensures that candidates emerging from the platform are equipped with practical knowledge and expertise that align with the current demands of various industries. fosters the development of soft skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability through its feature called ‘Teams’, encouraging collaborative problem-solving in live sessions with mentors and regular interaction with training partners.In addition, Colleges also play a role in supporting students' soft skills and communication development. stays adaptable to changes in industry trends and technology by periodically updating its courses to ensure the content remains relevant and up-to-date. The platform also keeps its problem statements current, aligning them with the latest technologies. This proactive approach ensures that students are well-prepared for evolving job requirements in the dynamic job market., our skilling methodology integrates advanced artificial intelligence, experiential learning, and analytics to provide a comprehensive and personalized learning experience. AI-Powered Personalization: Leveraging AI algorithms, we analyze the skills, preferences, and goals of each user to create personalized learning paths. This ensures that individuals receive targeted content tailored to their specific needs. Interactive AI-Driven Learning: Our platform includes adaptive learning technologies based on AI that adjust the difficulty level based on the user's progress, creating a dynamic and customized learning environment. Real world Problem Statements: We incorporate problem statements to allow users to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios, reinforcing practical skills in the rapidly evolving landscape of latest technology. Analytics-Driven Insights: We utilize analytics to track user progress and engagement. Through data-driven insights, users and mentors can assess performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make informed decisions to enhance the learning journey. AI-Enabled Mentorship: Users have the opportunity to get personalized guidance and insights through Talentfarm AI enabled platform.

The duration of skilling on the platform, from registration to placement, typically spans around 6 months. 1st month: Registration and profile setup. 2nd month: Participation in the Foundation Workshop and selection of a problem statement. 3rd month: Submission and validation of ideas with mentors. 4th month: Collaboration with partners for enablement and working on the project build. 5th month: Completion of the project build and a thorough review with mentors. 6th month: Submission of the project demo, updating the profile, and preparing for job placement. places a strong emphasis on experiential learning to enhance students' problem-solving skills and practical knowledge. Through real-life industry problems, students actively engage in hands-on problem-solving experiences. They analyze and design solutions with guidance from industry experts, receiving support throughout the build process while adhering to best practices. The approach ensures that students actively participate in problem-solving, moving beyond traditional classroom training.

Certainly!'s problem-solving approach, involving real-life industry problems and guidance from experts, has effectively enhanced students' practical skills and problem-solving abilities through hands-on experiences and adherence to best practices.

Collaborating with industry mentors significantly enhances students' skill development and readiness for the workforce. Through the use of various tools, mentors can effectively monitor team dynamics using a comprehensive platform dashboard. This dashboard, featuring a Teams view, empowers mentors to gain a holistic understanding of learners' development, enabling informed decision-making and targeted support. Serving as mentors on, individuals play a vital role in guiding students through their learning journey, with a specific focus on improving problem-solving skills and overall industry preparedness. strategically prioritizes skill development by seamlessly integrating advanced AI, experiential learning, and analytics. This emphasis is evident in our commitment to AI-Powered Personalization, fostering Interactive AI-Driven Learning experiences, tackling Real-world Problem Statements, and leveraging Analytics-Driven Insights. This comprehensive approach ensures a robust skill development framework.

There is no restriction on the number of students you can hire from, you can hire as many as needed for your organization. Our Corporate Sales team is available to assist and facilitate mass hiring processes as required.

Corporate sales team and Student success coordinators.

Recruiters start by posting their job openings on the platform. Students then see these job opportunities and apply. Recruiters review student profiles, which include academic details, problem-solving experience on the platform, and skills (both technical and soft skills). After selecting candidates, recruiters can extend job offers through the platform. The corporate sales team is available to assist and facilitate this entire process if needed.

Recruiters have two options to access profiles of students interested in job opportunities. First, students can apply directly to the job openings posted by recruiters, granting them visibility to these profiles. Alternatively, recruiters can subscribe to our platform, providing them with direct access to student profiles.

Recruitment at is a fully automated online process. Recruitment events can be done all year round on the platform. Student participation can get impacted by their academic schedules. Our Sales and Operational executives will be able to navigate through such challenges.

Online platform, Chat services and engagement through our corporate sales team.

Recruiters can organize meetings or sessions before hiring students, offering valuable information about the company and job prospects. This serves as an opportunity for candidates to gain insights into the company culture before the official job placement process commences.

The platform manages the submission and distribution of resumes from interested students through a well-organized process. Students have the autonomy to apply for jobs using the "MY JOBS'' tab in their profiles. The team is also available to provide guidance and support to the students. ensures the readiness of students for the industry by prioritizing experiential learning and providing hands-on problem-solving experiences with industry-endorsed problem statements. The platform incorporates guidance from industry experts throughout the process, fostering the development of practical skills and knowledge. Moreover, focuses on enhancing soft skills, including communication, teamwork, and adaptability, through features like 'Teams' that encourage collaborative problem-solving in live sessions with mentors. This comprehensive approach goes beyond traditional classroom training, actively preparing students for the challenges of the workforce.

The TalentFarm Corporate Sales team and Operations Executives are available to provide support in coordinating any communication required with students during the onboarding process.

The average Cost to Company (CTC) for hiring freshers from varies depending on the technology. On average, it ranges around 7-8 lakhs CTC. We typically advise our corporate partners to consider a minimum of 6 lakhs CTC for hiring candidates through our platform.

There is a success fee associated with using for hiring, applicable for each student hired through our platform. For detailed information on charges and to discuss your specific requirements, our sales team is available to provide further assistance.

Recruitment of Trained Students: Connect with and enlist skilled students who have completed specialized training on our platform. Hire and Training Streamlining: Optimize your hiring procedures by selecting candidates and delivering customized training to meet your organization's specific needs. Training for Hiring Integration: Dedicate resources to talent development by delivering extensive training to individuals, and seamlessly incorporate them into your workforce through strategically planned hiring initiatives.